About us

About us

The Active Perineal Rehabilitation & Serial is a concept developed by physiotherapist Laira Ramos with the aim of providing products, training, consulting and development of new devices and software to help professionals working with UROGYNECOLOGY, namely physiotherapists.

It all started in 2011 with the Active Perineal Rehabilitation protocol, over the years the Physiotherapist Laira Ramos has developed its own methodology for the rehabilitation of PERINEUM muscles, offering the best is more modern treatment that patients can have access.

Here she shares all her experience and passion so that other physiotherapists can also offer serious and quality treatment to their patients.

Welcome everyone, it will be a pleasure to take this journey with each one of you.

Laira Ramos| Life story www.perineo.info

I am madly in love with my profession, I am delighted at the end of each treatment to see the positive impact on my patients' quality of life, the increase in their autonomy and self-confidence, the empowerment that this causes them.

My job is not just to treat a pathology, I see my patients as a whole. Their life story, their culture, their customs… all of this helps me to choose the best techniques in each case.

I chose to work with urogynecology when I started college in physiotherapy and since then I have been involved in internships and training in the field. My father and sister, both gynecologists, had a great influence on my career, always encouraging me.

After my graduation I dedicated myself exclusively to perineal rehabilitation and I continuously update myself to offer the best treatment to my patients. This passion for the area led me to develop the Active & Serial Perineal Rehabilitation method.

As perineal rehabilitation is still a little-known treatment, I give lectures in order to publicize these treatments, making them more accessible to the population.

I also give training and consultancy to physiotherapists teaching them how to work with my techniques.

  • Physiotherapist in Brazil and Portugal
  • PhD in Urogynecology from the Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Master in Physical Therapy Sciences, Faculty of Human Motricity, Portugal
  • Creator and owner of PERINEO
  • Creator of the Active & Serial Perineal Rehabilitation method
  • Author of the book Active Perineal Rehabilitation and the practical guide Passive Perineal Rehabilitation
  • Trainer of the Active Perineal Rehabilitation and Passive Perineal Rehabilitation courses
  • international speaker


In 2008 I created the PERINEO for the care of urogynecological physiotherapy and with the mission to publicize this area that was so unknown by a large part of the population. I was one of the first physiotherapists in Portugal to work independently in my own office and to dedicate myself exclusively to a single area. It was a daily struggle to maintain this independence and show that physiotherapy can be autonomous, and I had the ability to assess and treat patients without a doctor's prescription, but in an interdisciplinary work. Since that time I have had the privilege of working with great professionals who supported me and respected my work.

When I started the treatments had not evolved much since the 40's and we were still talking about Kegel exercises. Dr. Kegel was the first to write a scientific paper on the treatment of urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse through pelvic floor muscle exercises. He was a milestone for us, his work is of great importance, but that was in the 40s and I thought that something new, more modern and more complete was needed.


With that I created the Active Perineal Rehabilitation protocol, which began to be developed when I was doing my Masters in Rehabilitation Sciences, in 2009, and was completed in 2011. This protocol aims at the global rehabilitation of the pelvic floor muscles for the treatment of women and men. The excellent results I had in my clinical practice encouraged me to spread my technique and the first edition of the homonymous course was launched.

It took 3 years to see the results that both I and the physiotherapists trained by me had in the use of the RPA and I embraced one more challenge: its scientific validation. So, in 2014 I started my PhD in Urogynecology and launched the book Reabilitação Perineal Ativa.

That same year I completed the methodology for the Passive Perineal Rehabilitation and started teaching my students these techniques. At that time, my big challenge was to show that the techniques I used with pregnant women would not cause a premature birth and that they can start preparing for childbirth as early as the second trimester of pregnancy, at around 14 to 16 weeks, having a greater benefit with treatments.


One of the biggest challenges I have since I started is the dissemination of this area of physiotherapy. Many people do not know that a physical therapist can work in urogynecology treating men and women. That's why I've always dedicated a large part of my time to lectures, television programs, magazine reports. If someone calls me to speak, I will.

My commitment to promoting treatments to improve the quality of life and for the right to live our sexuality without taboos has never diminished. In 2010, I launched the lecture Vagina, this illustrious unknown and, in 2018, I recorded for Portal G1, on Rede Globo, a series of 10 episodes about sexuality: SEX IS GOOD AND I LIKE IT . It was also in this year that I completed my PhD, scientifically validating the RPA protocol, and that I did the first rebranding of PERINEO, aiming at greater growth in the international market.


In 2019, I fulfill my dream of providing quality materials, all selected by me, so that other physiotherapists have an easier time purchasing the products needed for urogynecological physiotherapy. And so I launch Reabilitação Perineal Ativa & Série , an online store. Still in 2019, the greater visibility of my work brought me invitations to participate in a series of television programs and I accepted the challenge of being one of the authors of the blog Simply Flow by Fátima Lopes, where I start writing monthly articles.

2020 arrived and I was in full swing, it would be a memorable year and I had courses scheduled in several countries: Brazil, Portugal, China, United States, United Arab Emirates, Angola, Switzerland… in 2020 also came COVID and I, as well as everyone the world, I had to stay home.


It wasn't easy, and since my body couldn't travel, my head, spirit, and thoughts went far away. In the second week of confinement I was already teaching, online, the theoretical part of the courses that were postponed and I discovered a great tool for distance learning .

This online resource took me to many people's homes and brought me closer to fantastic professionals when, in April, they were challenged to share their experiences with me and we started TALKS WITH EXPERTS . The conversations are made by the ZOOM platform with free access to professionals who want to participate, then the recording is available on my YouTube channel: Laira Ramos .

Yes, with all that, I ended up creating my YouTube channel and took the opportunity to also be able to be closer to my patients by launching CONVERSAS DO PERINEO with more accessible content and simpler language. Patients can participate for free through the ZOOM platform with the possibility of asking their questions and exchanging their experiences. Then the recording is available on my channel.


After the isolation, the online store started to grow: more products for sale, greater demand for products, more courses being launched… everything started to get very confusing and even I didn't understand who I was and what my role was. Physical therapist? Student? Trainer? Investigator? Speaker? Businesswoman?

I had to stop for a while, take a deep breath and understand my goal. I am the PERINEO, my essence is what I started in 2008, plus all the baggage I have carried over all these years. So it was necessary to make a division:

  • PERINEUM by Laira Ramos . In my own space I offer urogynecological physiotherapy treatments for men and women . All treatments are personalized and under my responsibility, based on the entire concept that I created in the Active Perineal Rehabilitation & Series courses. I will continue dedicating myself to the dissemination of urogynecological physiotherapy with my lectures, conversations, television programs...
  • Active & Serial Perineal Rehabilitation : A group of professionals, of which I am a part, with the mission of supporting physiotherapists who work in urogynecology, providing the necessary materials in the care (all selected by me), offering several courses and workshops (on (online and in person) to train physiotherapists, providing a personalized consultancy service, which aims to develop its own line of products.